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This package provides a complete portfolio of personal branding collateral for the executive targeting a portfolio career or both permanent and interim roles. We will create an executive CV and one-page executive biography with additional content that allows you to tailor your CV/bio to different target roles. We also create a more interim focused CV that will promote and outside-IR35 status or a NED focused CV that promotes your NED offering and Board advisory experience. In addition, we will also author a high-impact LinkedIn profile. You will have a probing 2-hour discovery session (done via Tel, Zoom or Skype) prior to your documents being authored in our tried and tested methodology. Once you have cast your eye over your first drafts, we send them to our peer review panel for their critique and feedback. Further refinements may then be made before your final documents are handed over to you.


  • 2-hour discovery session
  • Creation of Executive CV
  • Additional content to create multiple CVs
  • Creation of LinkedIn profile
  • Creation of Interim or NED focused CV
  • Creation of Executive Biography
  • Peer review of documents

‘Portfolio Career’ Personal Branding Package

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